Once again I am venturing boldly into the world of blogging... my first attempt... well my first attempt was pathetic at best. However this time I am determined to do things differently. I am constantly amazed and inspired by the creativity displayed in the blogging community... and it is something that I want to be a part of. I hope that this blog becomes a part (however small) of the creative blogiverse.
I'm not the most amazing artist out there. My "work" will never grace the walls of a gallery.No one will ever study my life in art history. However the creative process is such a part of me, that it is as natural as breathing. I'm flawed, I'm broken, but in my own way, through the things I create, I am beautiful.
So that I hope you all visit my little blog (and comment) from time to time. It is my fondest wish to inspire you, just as you all have been an inspiration to me!!!!
Best wishes with your new blog....you can add my blog to your links! Foxhollow Tales....
Hugs, Teresa
Posted by: Teresa Young | October 14, 2011 at 09:11 PM
Thanks T!!!! I will add your blog right away!!!
Posted by: Things of Blue | October 15, 2011 at 07:22 AM