I've been away on a little baby-cation.... I was blessed to be able to visit my bestest friend Gianna, and her amazing family. The reason for the visit is that this beautiful girl had an equally beautiful baby boy 3 months ago.
Not to be out done this gorgeous girl, had an even more gorgeous baby, two weeks ago. I couldn't stand the fact that there were beautiful babies out there to be hugged and kissed, and snuggled, and.... well you get the picture... So I hopped on a plane and grabbed the first baby that I saw after I got off the airplane!!! Thankfully it was my sweet "niece's" baby boy Noah. There is to much security in an airport to want to "accidentally" grab a random baby and run.... not that I thought about it... nope not at all... <insert evil laugh here>
For the next few days, my face basically looked like this... I was in baby heaven. When one needed to be fed, or changed, or something selfish like... wanting their mommy... I was able to hold the other one... I'm telling you it is handy to have a spare baby, or two around!!! ESPECIALLY if you don't have to change their diapers. This being a great aunt (Grantie), is an amazing gig if you can get it!!!! Honestly is there anything better in the world than holding a new born baby??
As much as I was enjoying all the baby kissing, and holding, and sniffing (I know that it sounds strange, but have you tried it???? If not grab the nearest baby and take a sniff, just don't do it in the airport, like I said WAY to much security there!!!) it was time to board a plane and head home. I saw the lights of Houston below, and immediately thought... HOME.
But then I saw three of my amazing boys holding up signs saying "Welcome Home Mommy" and knew that I was home where I belong!!! I was blessed beyond measure during my visit, and I hope to visit again soon, my arms are aching to hold those babies... and my boys don't smell nearly as good!!!!