Happy New Year everyone!!!!! What is it about a fresh start that is so appealing?? I love the idea of a brand new year with no mistakes in it yet.
However it doesn't last very long. Yesterday was January 1st, and I feel like I made plenty of mistakes already!!! Maybe I slept to late, or spent time creating in my studio when I should have been cleaning... Maybe I ate something I shouldn't have, or wasn't as kind as I could have been.
That's the thing about a fresh start, it comes with a lot of pressure!!!! For that very reason, I'm not one for resolutions. I feel like most resolutions are broken before we even finish sweeping up the glitter and confetti from New Years eve!!!
I do however love a goal!!! Somehow having a goal feels so much more do-able to me. That way if I mess up, I can always start again, and catch up!!! My goal for 2012 is to fill this journal with 366 (it's a leap year people, so we get 24 extra hours to be amazing in!!!), art journal pages.
I know that I will start out journaling everyday, an then will start to slack off. But that's the great thing about a goal, as long as I have 366 pages by Dec. 31st then I'm golden!!! It doesn't matter if I journal everyday or not!!!
I've had this vintage loose leaf notebook cover in my stash for years. I noticed that the calendar in the back may have been dated 1928, but the days line up just like this year, and it's a leap year too!!!! I took it as a sign that it was perfect for this project!!! I mean what are the odds??? (I made the mistake of asking hubby what the odds are, he does all my math for me, and apparently the odds are 1 in 28. Eh I shouldn't have asked.)
I embellished the cover with gorgeous ribbon. I made a flower out of vintage millinery flowers, tulle, a vintage Christmas tree reflector, and this adorable button that I've had in my stash for years!!! I wanted to keep the cover simple, and just fill the journal with fabulousness!!!!!
My first journal page, features a quote about what we all wish for in the new year. Happiness, and Health!!!! My true goal for this year, is to choose happiness whenever possible!!!
So what are your new years goals/resolutions?? More importantly, are you doing what will make you happy in 2012???