A little over a week ago I was sitting under the dryer in my fave hair salon, after getting all my "blonde hairs" covered, and in walked a young lady who immediately grabbed my attention.
She grabbed my attention because she was doing everything possible to insure that she was the center of everyone's focus. From her Barney purple hair, that was shaved on one side and shoulder length on the other. To her outrageous mixed matched clothing, and not to mention the fact that she spoke loud enough for her voice to clearly carry over the cacophony of blow dryers, and quiet conversation.
I overheard her wildly inappropriate conversation with the stylist... For no other reason than the fact that I couldn't help it...and at one point she asked her stylist if she was her only "extreme hair" client (Practically begging to be told that she was special, one of a kind)... The stylist muttered an answer, to which the girl exclaimed.. "Well I'm an artist, I can't be expected to go around looking like these middle aged housewives!!!"
That girl, and that particular statement have been in the back of my mind every sense.
Partially,to be frank, because I am a middle aged housewife, and partially because I am an artist.
It made me think of all the incredibly talented men and women that I know. Some of which happen to have "extreme hair", although most of them don't.
I started to think of all the kindness I witness, in the artistic community, all the generosity of spirit... I think of all the artists I know who boldly express themselves through their work, and who share their talents with others... And how grateful and blessed I am to be a small, small part of it.
Every time I think of the purple haired girl, I have to smile to myself... And think "I may be a middle aged housewife, but I am still an artist, and I am in some amazing company!!!!"
Wow- what an interesting encounter! Here's to the power of the middle-aged housewife- because I am right there with you! (Your comment about getting your 'blonde hair covered' made me laugh. I guess I can say that I am trying to go 'blond' gracefully:).
Posted by: MyArtfulDays.blogspot.com | February 10, 2012 at 05:17 AM
LOL Good for you, for going "blonde" gracefully!!! I think I'm in denial about just how gray ... I mean blonde I am!!! Four boys will do that to you!!! Thanks for following my little blog, and have a great weekend!!!
Posted by: Things of Blue | February 10, 2012 at 11:22 AM
I have to say that I am a housewife and an artist and these words do not define me. I do not have purple hair; I don't need purple hair, I help out Mother Nature by keeping it a color she didn't think to give me but I think it suits me. I love my art and my family and everyday I thank God for my friends. They inspire and sustain me. I feel sorry for your attention seeker who probably doesn't know the beauty of our everyday lives. But..hey, she has purple hair. Maybe that's all she needs. Me, I need and expect more but I also give it.
I can't stand artists who dress in black and think they are privy to some thoughts that we can't grasp. They miss the real purpose of their art; to commune with others; to talk, to share, to be. She's missing the bigger picture..she's lost in her purple hair.
Posted by: Kathie Barrus | February 21, 2012 at 07:17 PM