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February 06, 2012



Wow- what an interesting encounter! Here's to the power of the middle-aged housewife- because I am right there with you! (Your comment about getting your 'blonde hair covered' made me laugh. I guess I can say that I am trying to go 'blond' gracefully:).

Things of Blue

LOL Good for you, for going "blonde" gracefully!!! I think I'm in denial about just how gray ... I mean blonde I am!!! Four boys will do that to you!!! Thanks for following my little blog, and have a great weekend!!!

Kathie Barrus

I have to say that I am a housewife and an artist and these words do not define me. I do not have purple hair; I don't need purple hair, I help out Mother Nature by keeping it a color she didn't think to give me but I think it suits me. I love my art and my family and everyday I thank God for my friends. They inspire and sustain me. I feel sorry for your attention seeker who probably doesn't know the beauty of our everyday lives. But..hey, she has purple hair. Maybe that's all she needs. Me, I need and expect more but I also give it.
I can't stand artists who dress in black and think they are privy to some thoughts that we can't grasp. They miss the real purpose of their art; to commune with others; to talk, to share, to be. She's missing the bigger picture..she's lost in her purple hair.

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